“If they stand behind you, give them protection. If the stand beside you give them respect. If they stand ageist you show them no mercy.”- Unknown

To many these words may ring hollow, To others simply an inspiration quote.  To me this means so much more. I first heard this a few years back, and to this day I can’t find the source, but one thing I know is that it is a statement to live by. And well (like anything) this can be put into many different contexts this is how I chose to view it.

1.       “If they stand behind you, give them protection.” I choose to view this as my family. My mother, sisters, brother, Niece and nephews. These are the ones who you need to protect, the ones who rely on you when times get tough.


2.       “If they stand beside you give them respect.” For this I turn to my friends. Going back to when man first started fighting side by side. The allies he has made have always had the same level of skill or talent as him. Take a look at high school kids they all have “Clicks” that they belong to, and amongst these are all people with either the same ideals or same interest. The same can be said for adults as well. Well we all have our strengths and weakness, most of the time were we fall short our friends are the ones that will help you through and vice versa. Thus it demands respect.


3.       “If they stand ageist you show them no mercy.” Finally, for this I look at it two ways. One is it referring to an actual person, whether it’s a crappy boss (we’ve all had at least one in our lives) or just some random person holding you back or anyone in between. In this case I view it as meaning that you have to prove them wrong over and over. Show them no matter what, you are capable of doing anything you please and doing it better then them. The second way I look at this is metaphorically. Meaning in your life, you feel as though you hit a wall, dug yourself a trench you can’t get out of or your just at the end of your rope. At this point you must persevere, break down your wall, climb back up that rope. Do something new, something you’ve never done before. At this point you need to learn to be free.    

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